landscapes art watercolours russian images women still life drawings portraits  icons biography catalogue

Some facts...
1958-was born in Volgograd, Russia.
1984-1990-The academy of Art in S-Petersburg. Studio of professor A A Mylnikov
1990-was awarded the medal of Academy of Art for the best diploma work.
1990-1994-post graduate department
since 1990 he has taught at the Academy of Art
1994-S-Petersburg Union of Artist, member

Exhibition and major works of art:

He took part at about 40 exhibitions in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, and China

1999-he was participant of reconstruction and decoration of The Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Mocsow.
2000- was awarded the medal of Academy of Art
2000-2003- decorated Znamensky Cathedral, Kursk, Russia
2002- mosaics for The Sergey Radonezhky Church. Yohannesburg,Republic of Southern Africa
2002-2003- personal exhibition in The State Pushkin’s museum “Mihailovskoe”
2003-2004-exhibitions in Sweden
2004- exhibition at LESOREADES gallery. Moscow. The Central Artist House.
2005-2007- several exhibitions of modern Russian Art in China: Beijing, Shanghai.
2004-2007-he painted icons for the Church of the Vladimir Mother –of –God icon. S-Petersburg

His paintings are in the state museums of Russia and at the private collection of Russia, USA, Finland, Sweden, China, Switzerland
-The State Pushkin’s Museum “Mihailovskoe”.Pushkinskie Gory
-The Mylnikov’s Museum, Pokrovsk
-Museum of Academy of Art

“Behind every face there is a story.
Behind every painting there is a tale ”

Alexander Belov ’s unique approach to realism fascinates.Someone described his manner of work:“He creates fantasy out of reality ”.Oil paintings are his main way of expression.Portraits and landscapes take shape on his canvas.But his motifs take sudden leaps into pure fantasy.Sometimes obvious and more often in a sub-conscious manner. Dalai Lama once commented the painting Traveler (lower left):“You do not climb moun- tains in search of gold,but to fi nd wisdom.” Alexander was born in Volgograd 1958. He has a long career as an artist,including studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg.He has participated in several exhibitions in Switzerland,Germany,Italy and Finland.
He works in monumental paintings,frescoes and mosaics. Alexander Belov participated in the enormous decorations the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.


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